Thirty Day Unloading Challenge Day Three


How many mason jars do I need? A lot, apparently. I am not planning on pickling, and there are only so many glass jars one needs for storing beans and nuts in the pantry. I have a tiny worry that I will buy a massive bag of rice, run out of storage jars and then kick myself, but I think I’d get over it.

Thirty Day Unloading Challenge – Day Two


I am getting rid of two little cat toys. My grumpy cat has been gone for two years now. I used to love his little frog toy because it would make a ribbit noise when I least expected it, but the time has come to let it go. It will not diminish my memories of that hairy little fellow who scratched me for seventeen years. So long little toys.

Thirty Day Unloading Challenge – Day One

I have a feeling The Minimalists are going to be my new gurus. They have an inspiring website with everything you need to know about minimalism that I need to devour. It is inspiring and frightening at the same time. I am far from hardcore minimalism, but I am willing to dip my toes in the sparse waters and take some baby steps.

Since it is the first of the month I am beginning with a thirty day challenge to get rid of one item a day. The Minimalists have a thirty day challenge they call the Minimalist Game where you increase the items per day. The idea is sending me into a panic. Instead I will start with an item per day for the month of August and regroup after that. Perhaps by then I will have minimalism fever and desperate to unload piles of things every day. For now I will tread carefully and not frighten myself.

First item I am unloading?


My Joni Mitchell CD cover of Don Juan’s Reckless Daughter. Just the empty case. I don’t know what happened to the CD. I keep holding on to it, hoping that the CD will magically reappear and I can lovingly slip it back in it’s case, but I don’t think it is ever coming back. Good bye empty CD case. Joni, I will love you forever.