Thirty Day Unloading Challenge – Day Twenty-eight


I am finally getting rid of a toner that has been gathering dust under the bathroom sink. I was talked into buying it by a persuasive esthetician who had me as a captive audience when I was getting a facial and made me feel like a beast because of all the sun damage i inflicted on myself when I used to skip school to sunbathe and smoke cigarettes in my friend’s backyard. We didn’t know any better at the time. I was young and foolish and now I have a speckled egg face as punishment.

purely cosmetic ill eat white pinkish greenish brown blueish speckled

For the record, I really felt like I had it going on after a day of suntanning, applying my frosty lipstick and donning a coral shirt to highlight my tan.

Anyway, I broke out after my facial and I was worried that the toner may have been the culprit. It was probably the stress of realizing that I am probably five years away from looking like a piece of beef jerky, but I have been too scared to use the toner ever since. At the same time, I felt too guilty to throw it away because I paid too much for it and felt like an idiot. I am finally going to let it go to make more room under the bathroom sink for sunscreen and concealer to hide my sun damage.