Avoiding Sales and Clutter-A List

I know the right thing would have been to avoid the Anthropologie sale today. I’m striving to be a minimalist dammit! How can someone call herself a minimalist wannabe when she dashes off to Anthropologie at the first whiff of a sale? I’m weak, that’s what I am.

They know my weakness for anything with an animal on it, the devils. I was after this:

Tavia Sweatshirt

I may be a middle aged woman who shouldn’t be wearing animal prints at my age, but I didn’t care. I wanted it. I had to have it. I scurried to the nearest Anthropologie and it wasn’t there. Not a single one. Serves me right. I never should have succumbed to temptation in the first place. I left empty handed and more than a little ashamed at what a mark I am. Show me a shirt with an animal or bird on it and my minimalist dreams fly out the window.

With that in mind, I have composed a list of the things I could have done instead of dashing to the store like a crazed lemming. I hope to refer back to this when the next tempting sale strikes.

Things I could Have Done in the Hour I Wasted Going To Anthro:

  1. Walked the dog
  2. Made Moroccan Lentil Stew (delicious and quick!)
  3. An exercise DVD to pretend that there is still time to get in shape for the summer
  4. Organized and de-cluttered my underwear and socks drawer
  5. Written a poem (not that I write poems but I could have started, and I have been thinking about composing odes to the dog)
  6. Tried to finally master a topknot
  7. Read a book or a magazine
  8. Had a coffee in the park
  9. Re-potted a plant
  10. Figured out what kind of cactus I have and learned how to deal with it now that it is growing out of control
  11. Reassessed my closet to solidify the fact that I don’t need any more shirts
  12. Tackled the monster masquerading as the linen closet
  13. Started a knitting project
  14. Painted my nails
  15. Baked muffins