Zen Lessons When Hacking up a Lung

It’s easy to be a minimalist when you are flattened with the plague, or a cold, I haven’t decided which one I have.

I’ve been a hacking, sweating bundle of misery for a few days and today I finally allowed myself to do nothing but sleep in that weird sick stupor kind of way, have an Epsom salt bath and drink fizzy vitamin c drinks.

It felt really good.

I am not a sick martyr type. I am not stoic. I will be the first to whine and boo-hoo to anyone who will listen. Somehow though, the past few days were too full to cancel and I had to sleepwalk my way through them and put my whining on hold. I should have known I was on my way to getting flattened when I started having dreams in which I was complaining about how tired I was, while I was sleeping!

After my day of doing nothing guilt free, I feel like maybe I will in fact see another day. It would be nice to have more of those days without the sick part: just check out and revel in doing nothing, gloriously stretching into it. There is always time for being busy, there should be more time for being deliciously lazy without needing to be sick to do it.